Tuesday, January 11, 2011

5th Grade Comparison

We've changed the format of the tables we created using MCAS data from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. We've deleted some columns and instead showed the combined percentages for 'Advanced' and 'Proficient' and then after the black column, we did the same for 'Needs Improvement' and 'Warning'. The data was then sorted and MVRCS scores highlighted. For the Advanced and Proficient scores, the highest percentages are preferred but in the Needs Improvement and Warning totals, lower percentages are better. Additionally we have changed the font color to red for the school that has the highest combined percentage of Proficient and Advance Proficient students. They are have all shown to be an interesting analysis to say the least. They have all shown to be an interesting analysis to say the least.
FROM: http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/state_report/mcas.aspx

3rd Grade Comparison
4th Grade Comparison

5th Grade Science MCAS 2010

5th Grade English MCAS Scores 2010

5th Grade Math MCAS Scores 2010


  1. Check out the math at MV - only 48% of the 5th graders are working at or above grade level? That is depressing considering all the math these kids do from such an early age! I was impressed with Saxon math but maybe it is true that it doesn't allow for the kids to truly master anything....
    Only 35% in science at MV are at or above grade level...that doesn't surprise me considering how little is put into science and social studies.

  2. How come in the report that mv has on their site the #'s are different and they look better than all other schools?

  3. They did deplorable at Science but I guess that is no wonder considering how little time/effort is given towards a science curriculum. But geez, only 35% are working at or above grade level?
