Saturday, June 4, 2011

School Boards - What Is Wrong With MVRCS's

We came across this article and thought that it addressed a few of the issues that the Board of Trustees face at MVRCS. It is interesting that the most visible, vocal, and volatile member of the Board, Neil Kinnon, is also the individual who feels most entitled and continues to abuse his position - at the expense of MVRCS's reputation and name. While school boards at our district schools have a system of checks and balance as members are elected, the board members at MVRCS have not only been appointed but (according to our sources) have been given an unlimited term and can not be removed (of course this most benefits Neil Kinnon who truly SHOULD be removed). To make matters worse, the one individual in the Administration who does have the educational qualifications to make decisions regarding academics, has been stripped of any say in such matters. If the author of this article is accurate the Board at MVRCS is not only deficient but are truly lacking within the four major areas of concern and are in need of reform. We are complete agreement! Our comments are in red.

From: Students First - How to Reform School Boards

How to Reform School Boards

May 25, 2011
Gene I. Maeroff's new book is "School Boards in America: A Flawed Exercise in Democracy." He is a senior fellow at Teachers College, Columbia University, and president of the school board in Edison, New Jersey.
School boards are the Rodney Dangerfields of education—garnering little respect and serving as objects of derision.
Granted, while some of those who serve on school boards have their deficiencies, in general they tend to be civic-minded do-gooders who, unlike their neighbors, are willing to give up their free time and privacy for an often unpaid position that likely involves more hassle than acclaim. And some school boards are highly functional.
Certainly, there are ways to make school boards more efficient and more effective. Those who promote reforms in elementary and secondary education are remiss if they don't take note of the role of school boards, however insignificant those entities may seem. The states that empower local school boards with governance responsibilities and educational change may not succeed unless members of boards see the need for change and are willing to take bold steps to institute reforms.
But many obstacles stand in the way of improving school boards. After serving as president of a school board, analyzing educational trends for decades, and spending two and a half years researching and writing a newly-published book on the subject I conclude that these are at least four major areas to address when it comes to school board reform:

1. Qualifications of members
School board members in America range from those with doctorates to those that have not even completed high school. Almost all come onto school boards (more than 90 percent of them through elections; the rest are appointed) with little or no preparation for the specific tasks that await them. Some outstanding people serve on school boards and some have no business on these boards, given their temperament and ignorance. (yes Neil, this is directed towards you)
If more school boards were appointed, and consideration were given only to candidates who have been interviewed and vetted by panels of leading citizens who do not represent special interest groups, this could make for better boards. Moreover, the criteria for consideration might go beyond the basics—citizenship and residence. (not to mention self-serving interests and political gains)

2. The elective process
Elections are certain to predominate even if more school districts shifted to appointed boards. The democratic process, though, sometimes contains the seeds of its own undoing. It is too easy for special interest groups to thrive in school board elections. Groups like teachers' unions that believe they can gain from the election of particular candidates or individuals who want to promote a single agenda—say, sharply reducing expenditures—sometimes figure prominently in board elections.
It would be undemocratic and illegal to bar such involvement. But more could be done to publicize which groups and individuals spend money and donate time for particular candidates. Furthermore, debates aired on local TV channels could enable more people to become familiar with candidates and their stance on particular issues. (or which individuals may have conflicting interests and motives)

3. The preparation and training of members
Governance is the main job of school boards. Most people, however well informed, do not know the ins and outs of the governance process and are unfamiliar with the legal responsibilities of board members. And because they are governing school systems, members of these boards should also be more conversant than the average citizen about issues involving teaching and learning.
Some states and some organizations such as the Center for Reform of School Systems run programs to deepen the knowledge of board members about educational issues and to facilitate their governance skills. These efforts should be expanded and reach beyond the once-a-year seminar. ('legal responsibilities would mean knowing that you CAN NOT TELL YOUR STAFF THEY CAN NOT UNIONIZE, MATTERS PERTAINING TO ILLEGAL EMPLOYER PRACTICES, CONFLICTS OF ISSUES, ETC. We won't even get into the number of accreditation's and funding (Title 1 at the very least) that have been lost due to Kinnon's short sightedness.  'Once-a-year seminar' - how about no seminars, training, or education in matters pertaining to best practices in education and education administration. Only at MVRCS).

4. Conduct by school members
Finally, nepotism should be a concern when it comes to school boards. All too often a member may intercede to gain special treatment for a relative. Ethics regulations have been promulgated in many locales, and this has crimped but hardly eliminated the practice.
Concern about the conduct of school board members and their role in personnel decisions should go well beyond nepotism, though. Cronyism, favoritism, and patronage may not involve relatives, but they do lead to appointments and promotions that undermine the meritocracy and saddle school systems with employees who may not be the best qualified for their jobs—from security guards to principals. (We don't believe commentary is required on this one - the actions of Kinnon speak for themselves. Yet this doesn't even TOUCH upon his conflict in serving the needs of both the school and the City of Malden. Shame, shame, shame Neil).

1 comment:

  1. The Perimeter PrimateJune 27, 2011 at 1:50 PM

    Did the propoganda fund for the teachers union run dry? Where did all my friends go?
